
I've Been Tagged!

I've been tagged by Lindsey, My Little Muchkin

Lets see what I can come up with.

1. I HATE soggy food.

2. I play with all the remote controls backs while watching T.V till they break.

3. I like to eat dinner food for breakfast.

4. I take the crust off of my bread.

5. I can not stand crickets!!

6. Can not wait for mail time, even though I hardly ever open it.

7. I sleep with a blankie. It's fleece and has to be on my face. :-)

The rules say you have to tag 7 other people. But that is to much work! :-) So just join in if you would like.

View all pictures with: Tiffany,Kristen,Riley,Hayden,Keegan


Lindsey said...

Hey Angie, Thanks for playing!! I see you took the easy way out and didn't tag anyone..LOL! Have a great weekend.